2018-05-02 | 15:23:40 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

2015-07-14 | 15:53:44 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

2015-06-20 | 03:45:17 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Vet ej vem som tagit dessa... men så fina. :O
Brooklyn Baby
2015-06-08 | 16:36:16 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Memories of old
2015-06-07 | 01:35:02 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Foton av Davis Ayer
2015-06-04 | 18:32:26 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

March snow
2015-03-21 | 18:15:58 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

k ä l l a - okänd.
Too guilty to come home
2015-03-07 | 21:05:00 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
2015-03-05 | 01:32:04 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Har ingen källa :( Men de var så fantastiskt fina bilder.
Betrayed and wronged in everything, I’ll flee this bitter world where vice is king, And seek some spot unpeopled and apart, Where I’ll be free to have an honest heart.
2015-01-24 | 04:27:26 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
"Hell is other people" may refer to the self-conscious torment that one goes through when unable to escape the judgments of others.
"Misanthropy develops when without art one puts complete trust in somebody thinking the man absolutely true and sound and reliable and then a little later discovers him to be bad and unreliable ... and when it happens to someone often ... he ends up ... hating everyone."
Arthur Schopenhauer argued that the value of life is ultimately negative because any positive experiences will always be outweighed by suffering which is a more powerful feeling.
“People diminish me;
the longer I sit and listen to them
the more empty I feel but I don't get
the idea that they feel empty, I feel
that they enjoy the sound from their
the longer I sit and listen to them
the more empty I feel but I don't get
the idea that they feel empty, I feel
that they enjoy the sound from their
2014-12-27 | 03:24:04 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
Agitated screams of maggots
2014-11-26 | 03:31:31 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

My end and my beginning.
2014-11-13 | 18:29:59 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Fotograf: Akinori Ito
2014-09-25 | 17:32:16 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
2014-09-05 | 14:37:28 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Fantastiska bilder av -> k ä l l a
(We) found love in a hopeless place
2014-06-19 | 20:42:11 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer

Världen är svår, korrupt och mörk, men ändå är naturen så vacker. Jag önskar jag hade källorna till dessa bilder. Behöver inspiration, har fotat samma saker om och om igen på sistone och det är tråkigt och händelselöst. Vill testa något nytt och utvecklas. :( feel the photography craaavings. Nu är det i alla fall dags att se LCS och hade tänkt rita lite för en gångsskull.
You make me want to die, I'll never be good enough
2014-04-18 | 23:57:57 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
This thing between us is a rickety bridge of impossible crossing...
2014-03-27 | 20:08:12 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
2014-03-21 | 12:28:00 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
2014-02-15 | 19:05:21 |
Kategori: Inspiration |
0 kommentarer
“there is a place in the heart that
will never be filled
a space
and even during the
best moments
the greatest times
we will know it
we will know it
more than
there is a place in the heart that
will never be filled
we will wait
in that space.”
― Charles Bukowski
will never be filled
a space
and even during the
best moments
the greatest times
we will know it
we will know it
more than
there is a place in the heart that
will never be filled
we will wait
in that space.”
― Charles Bukowski