Som det strålar ifrån ditt hjärta

2011-06-29 | 23:48:41 | Kategori: Musik | 0 kommentarer

Finally we've come this far
But you know, I was scared

Hey, I thought I had lived how you wanted me to

Just how much blood must I shed for you to forgive me?

Could I sleep like this, floating around like the snow?

Even if gets hazy I don't need the twinkling stars

Hey, unfasten your hands; Until this warmth dissipates

I just want for the dream that you had not to be hated

For whose sake are these hands dirtied?

I want to sing for you until my last breath

If I've made it in time, hey, at the very least, smile

Swaying, swaying; I only wanted these feelings to reach you

For whose sake are these hands dirtied?

These words fragilely, weakly search for love
Like the starry sky that is seen in the frozen night
I will sing for you until my last breath

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